Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer and Leo from July 4th to July 28th, 2006.
17 Jun 2006 02:12 pm 2104' Mercury Enters Rx Zone04 Jul 2006 03:28 pm 0122' Rx Mercury Stationary Retrograde28 Jul 2006 08:33 pm 2104' Mercury Stationary Direct12 Aug 2006 00:07 am 0122' Mercury Leaves Rx Zone

The Game

I play a game called Street Tarot. You get dealt the cards by finding them on the street. I have been playing this Fnordian poker for many years.

Todays hand was interesting. A Chess piece was added to the mix to give it deeper meaning. I puzzled for sometime and finally resorted to Google the 21st Century Qabalistic tool extrodinaire. I got the attributions to the three of cups, Mercury in Cancer. Looked up mercury to find that it is going retrograde in cancer in a few days. BLAM...that is a quality fnord. But what up with the Black Rook. I ignored the Black Rook as Crow for a while even though the Crow is one of my totum animals. I studied some chess moves that involved the Rook. But when I looked up the reason for calling a Rook a Rook is when it got good. The first thing was the slang to be rooked, a rook was a trickster a swindler...perfect mercury image. The Chess allegory worked perfectly into this. The Rook is named after the Persioan word Rokh, which means Chariot. Mercury is in Cancer, Cancer is the Chariot in the Tarot. The Rook moves in straight lines. This is the First Law of Simpleology the Law of Straight Lines. The Rook is a Chariot and is also a trickster black bird.


Posted by H419 at exactly 8:07 pm



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