Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Eleventh Hour

Revelation 13 - 'Let him calculate the the number of the beast....His number is 666.'

What better way to see in the Day Of The Beast than with 7 & 1/2 hours of pure metal. Turn it up LOUD!!!!!!!

Such is the message on my TV screen.

Do you believe it?

I certainly don't.

But, I do certainly believe that this date (ie 06/06/06) has a certain significance. And I believe that a specific time on this date (ie 6:06:06am) has a certain significance also.

"Ooh, tell us what does it signifies? Please?"

I'm sorry, I can't. I know what significance I've attached to it, but, I wouldn't have the foggiest as to what meaning this specific point in time holds for you. I don't know you that well. 'Tis for each to determine....if you want it. If you're man (or woman) enough to whole-heartedly embrace the symmetry that is on offer today. I didn't actually plan to be awake for it, but, my spirits saw fit to kick me out of bed at 4am to ensure that I fully appreciated the symmetry.

(Either that, or to be entertained by a worthy Scot.)

I will say this, however. The Day Of The Beast: my ass. Who is 'The Beast' precisely? What is 'The Beast?' (Presumably Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer or Ned Flanders, or another name for a generally undefined entity of which we are all supposed to quiver in fear and dread at the mention of.)

And, more importantly, why would any of us care that much anyway?

(Unless you don't believe in little things like free will and evolution, of course.)

Reminds me of a silly conversation I had with a superstitious lad yesterday:

Me: Hey, tomorrow's going to be a cool day. The sixth of the sixth of the sixth.
SL: But, isn't it, like an evil day? Three sixes?
Me: *sigh*
SL: I believe in Satan.
Me (That's nice..) Well, I don't.
SL: Don't you?
Me: No.
SL: Well, he believes in you.
Me: (Tell you that himself, did he?) That's....good. He should...um...keep up the good work.
SL: No!!! He never does good work. It's always evil work!
Me: K. *walks away calmly and dispassionately*


Posted by H419 at exactly 5:56 am



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