Monday, February 19, 2007

419er Baiting

The recreational psychotorture that's kind of okay, because the victim was trying to scam you in the first place.

Exhibit A: 419er is conned into commissioning and mailing a carved wooden bust of the target/baiter, then into staging a videotaped re-enactment of Monty Python's parrot sketch.

Exhibit B: There are no words.

Posted by Mishuki at exactly 4:23 pm -  2 comments


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Something analogue this way comes...

Posted by Bob at exactly 1:49 am -  0 comments


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This is not to say that Tyrone Slothrop is a study in complete irresponsibility: he is, like Yossarian, a resourceful man. When concrete and individual crises occur, Slothrop comes to the rescue in almost John Wayne fashion. On the beach at Casino Hermann Goering, Slothrop impersonates the comic-book hero in his daring rescue of Katje from the clutches of Octopus Grigori.97 Slothrop leads the way, running, pushing, shoving in the disorganized raid on Russian headquarters at Peenemunde to rescue Der Springer.98 All concerns for safety of self disappear when Slothrop darts off to warn the Schwarzkommando of Marvy and Chiclitz' impending raid.99 What Slothrop seems to share, also, with Yossarian is an



overall sense of purposelessness about the mission of war, though Slothrop is passive in that he rarely, if ever, directly expresses his feelings about the war. His rescue routines all seem slapstick and bear an aura of re- enactments of B-grade movies. On the other hand, Yossarian knows the Nazis must be defeated;100 it is the growing idiocy of ever-increasing missions, incompetent people, bizarre events that dissuades him. Slothrop displays a vague knowledge of the importance of the V-2 and its S-gerät, but he continually gets sidetracked.101 Both anti-heroes relish not their military rank, not their medals, and not their heroic achievements. Instead, Yossarian stands in formation naked,102 and Slothrop wanders the Zone where he likes to spend whole days naked.103

Posted by Chris Titan at exactly 9:52 pm -  1 comments


Terrible Secrets...

Posted by Chris Titan at exactly 9:31 pm -  2 comments


i'd tell you the no of post titles i rejected, but i can't even count that high

AKA graffiti politics of inner north melbourne, an occasional series


Posted by Mishuki at exactly 8:00 pm -  0 comments


Saturday, February 10, 2007

This just in:



Posted by Hamish at exactly 12:07 pm -  2 comments