Sunday, April 09, 2006

Smells Like A Haunting!

I am being haunted.

I don't mean that in general. I mean right now. Right now, there is some sort of ghost like entity messing stuff up in my room. The shock has caused me to appear calm and catalogue the whole event as if I really didn't care either way.

It started innocently enough with a rustling which I just prayed was not a rat or something. But it wasn't, it was a piece of paper that was screwing itself up. Fair enough, I thought, at least the guy isn't being hostile!

But then, right!? He knocked over my bin! What a little bastard. Yeah I hope you're reading this over my shoulder! If you had any decency you'd pick it straight up again... I'm waiting!

Oh great, and now my coffee is cold. I literally just poured it! Oh how annoying. I mean who ever heard of a morning ghost? The curtains are still closed so that might be the problem. But if I open them and he goes away then I have to pick the bin up by myself.

Is it racist to hate ghosts? I mean, do they count as a race? I am generally prejudiced against ghosts but I don't consider it a flaw in my nature. Everyone loves someone who loves everyone but hates ghosts. [WILL YOU STOP SCREWING UP THAT PAPER!!] very much like the Ghostbusters.

Wait, what am I thinking? People loved the Ghostbusters because of Bill Murrays wit and charm.

Oh yuk, I forgot the coffee was cold. Yuk. Yucky yuk yuk.


Posted by H419 at exactly 8:43 pm



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