Wednesday, July 05, 2006

catholic related movie scripts

at the risk of offending our catholic readership....

today i was applying for a job at a catholic university and chatting to my little bro on msn. nerd.
um anyway i was thinking up random lines to be said in a movie that would have to be starring Bruce willis or Samuel L. oh and also involving the catholic church somehow. i didnt think that hard about the second bit.
the first line is thought of was;
"Vow this motherfucker."
and the second one was
"chastity my ass..."
this was in the context of the conversation we were having about the time i got in trouble with security at the vatican. another less interesting story. but i have indeed been to the vatican, and been in trouble.

back to the movie, the only plot line i could think of was bruce willis in Die hard mode, saving the world by crashing a plane into a church and then fighting off gangster monks. then he could feasibly say "vow this motherfucker". the other line is just wishful thinking but if they were ever to make a movie like sister act but for dudes, so i'm tentatively guessing brother act, then someone could say "chastity my ass, bitch". and that would be funny.


Posted by H419 at exactly 10:54 pm



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