Sunday, April 30, 2006

Here's To My Faith In Mankind

I am getting Reason 3.0!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

If any of you are unaware of this program, then let me explain how awesome it is. Basically, Reason 3.0 emulates a rack of hardware synthesizers, sample players, signal processors, sequencers and mixers. Home of Redrum drum sequencer and the NN-19 Digital Sampler!

It really is the music nerds heaven.

And I got it from ebay. I've never used ebay before because I thought I'd have to set up a whole tonne of crap just to protect my privacy and my money. However, I saw that there was a copy of Reason 3.0 and Soundforge 9 (also awesome) going for around £15 and I thought, y'know, I'd be crazy not to buy it.

Crazy for this reason, Reason 3.0 costs around £500 and Soundforge costs about £160... So you see how £15 is a bargain?

Anyway, like I said, I didn't want to have to set up the paypal and all this other stuff so I decided to test my faith in humanity and to bid. If I won I would pay him directly with bank notes in the post.

I did win, and the guy selling them, Hab is his name, happily gave me his home address and was touched by my faith in him and the fact that I payed him a little extra so he says he's going to send me some other cool programs. I said that if he doesn't deliver then I'm coming to his house with a knife.


Posted by H419 at exactly 12:41 am



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