Monday, February 19, 2007

419er Baiting

The recreational psychotorture that's kind of okay, because the victim was trying to scam you in the first place.

Exhibit A: 419er is conned into commissioning and mailing a carved wooden bust of the target/baiter, then into staging a videotaped re-enactment of Monty Python's parrot sketch.

Exhibit B: There are no words.

Posted by Mishuki at exactly 4:23 pm



Blogger Jonathan Carfax said...

Let it never be said that you aren't first with the news.

You publish this Monday - the Sydney Morning Herlad publishes it Tuesday afternoon


Blogger Mishuki said...

Heh! It's not the first time. You'd be surprised how many H419 posts have been raped for column inches by the SMH.

(Actually Metafilter is first with the news. We're second. Then Fairfax is a late third.)


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