Sunday, November 19, 2006

The T.I.T.A.N. gets mocked by Agent Pynchon

The reviewed Against The Day, by Thomas Pynchon and made the following spoiler...

There is T.W.I.T., a cross between a paranormal cult and an intelligence service.

Now come on...this is hilarious, even Pynchon hated the T.I.T.A.N. Agency...what a trip.

Anyway, I thought my old NCI friends might enjoy to see me cast as T.W.I.T.

Posted by Chris Titan at exactly 6:17 pm



Blogger teigan said...


Sure he was just playin' CT, you know he loves you


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the idea of the chums of chance.
I *propose* a race to the center of the world.
The first to reach a agartha, will recive a brownie(mundane variety).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*bah* been there done that.
there's nothing there but old tiebetan munks, molemen, and the occasional whelshman, god i hate welsh.
Also your brownies suck, & they never arrive ontime.


Blogger teigan said...

>god i hate welsh.


Outside! Now!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

really... its only an opinion;
its not as though i said they comprise the most usless section of england, and in terms of intelligence are on average, on par with a lobotomized chimp. Or that ancient tribal markings were infact, labels which allowed the to tell right from left, their arse from their elbow etc...


Blogger teigan said...

That's okay, actually

You just keep right on believing that

Keep right on
Just keep right on
Keep right on
Just keep right on
Keep right on
Keep right on

Just keep right on believing that

These changes will continue

Nobody here but us useless Welshfolk

Don't forget to vote on Saturday

Everything is under control


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the welsh are useless and stupid
the welsh are useless and stupid
they are no threat to anybody
but their funny accents are adorable
and their quaint rustic ways are charming
they won't harm or damage anything
they are too useless and stupid to cause any problems
the welsh are useless and stupid
the welsh are useless and stupid
and they are delightful in their simple childlike way
u can let them roam freely like docile animals
they are a delight to have around
like cuddly fluffy pink bunny rabbits
or doe eyed cows drunk on pints of eleven proof cider
the welsh are useless and stupid
the welsh are useless and stupid
they are incapable of causing any damage to anything
they are no threat to anyone
u can let them go anywhere and do anything
u can let them roam freely like docile animals
they are perfectly docile and compliant
they are perfectly safe and harmless
u can let them go anywhere and do anything
u can let them roam freely like docile animals
because they are so useless and stupid
the welsh are useless and stupid

the welsh are useless and stupid
believe it
the welsh are useless and stupid
believe it
the welsh are useless and stupid
believe it
the welsh are useless and stupid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

>(are YOU welsh Teigan?)

By ancestry and inclination

Yes I am

Can't you tell?

I am so useless and stupid

> You will have to join T.W.I.T. which memeberships
>have just risen to $10,000.00 to access the protection
>and long term research contract that I have fought out,
>negotiated, barganed, and what not for.

I will go see my bank manager tomorrow

I feel confident he will surely advance me this sum

When I explain what it is for

I am useless and stupid

The Welsh are useless and stupid

Do not forget to vote on Saturday

Voting is a vibrant expression of our cherished and vibrant parliamentary democracy

I am useless and stupid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd drink and dance with you and the TWIT massive in cali chris
they say it is the land of dreams

but i'm afraid of americans
and besides

well, to coin a phrase....

You know my wandering days are over
Does that mean that I'm getting boring?
You tell me
I'm tired of listening to myself now
I'm tired of fixing things for Michael and the rest of them

You know my bip-bopping days are over
I hung my boots up and then retired from the disco floor
Now the centre of my so called being is
The space between your bed and wardrobe with the louvre doors

I said "My saladhood days are over"
You put me straight on the finer points of my speech rehearsed
In the mirror of my steamy bathroom
Where the lino tells a sorry story in a monologue
In the monologue

Six months on, the winter's gone
The disenchanted pony
Left the town with the circus boy
The circus boy got lonely
It's summer, and a sister song's
Been written for the lonely
The circus boy is feeling melancholy

It's gotta be fate that's doing it
A spooky witch in a sexy dress has been bugging me
With the story of the way it should be
With the story of Sebastian and Belle the singer

I said "My one man band is over"
I hit the drum for the final time and I walked away
I saw you in Japanese restaurant
You were doing it for business men on the piano there
You said it was a living Hell
You said you were in Hell

Six months on, the winter's gone
The disenchanted pony
Left the town with the circus boy
The circus boy got lonely
It's summer, and a sister song's
Been written for the lonely
The circus boy is feeling melancholy

It's gotta be fate that's doing it
A spooky witch in a sexy dress has been bugging me
With the story of the way it should be
With the story of Sebastian and Belle, the singer, yeah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just when you thought it couldn't get any wierder...
Id seriously think of joining T.W.I.T. if I hadn't alredy signed on the black beauty with the chums of chance, im shipping up to boston on the morrow.

I'm a sailor peg
and I've lost my leg
a climbing up the topsails
I've lost my leg

I'm shipping up to boston

shipping off to boston

shipping out to boston

to find my wooden leg

I'm a sailor peg
and I've lost my leg
a climbing up the topsails
I've lost my leg

I'm shipping up to boston

shipping off to boston

shipping out to boston

to find my wooden leg


Blogger Mishuki said...

Man, so much for me being the resident H419 songbird.

This is awesome, though!

Let's hear you, people


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