Friday, November 17, 2006

Fragments v2

My dog is making really weird sounds.

After showing my girlfriend my blog, she decided to make her own. This will probably lead to bad things. She also refuses to tell me the address.

I have had a headache for 2 weeks but I'll only see a doctor when I get phantom smells.

I'm considering postponing my novel until I read Chuck Palahniuks workshop essays.

I'm also tempted to sign up to Will Christopher Baers workshop.

I wrote a story today for my friends book about the impending fourth world war between Robots and Hybrids. By which I mean I contributed to his autobiography with a story about the future.

My milk has gone off and instead of using a different bottle, I'm using the same one and drinking cheese-coffee.

I saw a photo on CNN of people camping in order to buy a playstation three. I find this unfair for people who just want to buy a DVD or something and have to wait at the back of the queue.

Pollution could combat global warming.

My neck hurts.

Mishuki told me that I wouldn't be able to write here anymore if I didn't write anything in the next 48 hours. Mishuki being the only remaining person to actually live in 419, he has become leader.

Lots of unfunny people get spots on Comedy Central Presents. I wish they'd give me a slot. I'm no comedian, but I could probably do like... something.

Sometimes I wish I was Christian Bale, other times I wish he was my dad or brother. Sometimes I wish we were friends. Other times, I wish we just looked a like.

Collin Murray looks like that dude... What the hell is his name? His was in The Pianist and stuff. Adrian Brody.

I'm wondering how much it will hurt to get my planned tattoo after someone explained the pain of having a tattoo over your bone.

I planned a circle over my middle of my chest. That's pretty much all bone...

New Scientist told me about something called Dark Energy which sounded so cool that I didn't read any further so I wouldn't ruin the idea in my head.

I know you all want to see Andy Serkis performing The One That I Want as Gollum and Smeagle live on stage with Tenatious D, so here you go.

Talking of Andy Serkis, despite the coomplete trash content, Chris Nolan's The Prestige is the coolest film this year.

Some dude says that Dinosaurs were in the bible. Dinosaurs always get a capital letter because they look awesome. But yeah, they're in the bible. Christianty - 1.

I covered that song ny Bjork that goes "all is full of love."

That was the working title for my novel until I changed it to Patterns.

I'm going to eat like, 2 packets of crisps.

Posted by Hamish at exactly 8:58 am



Blogger hester said...

I'm wondering how much it will hurt to get my planned tattoo after someone explained the pain of having a tattoo over your bone.

I planned a circle over my middle of my chest. That's pretty much all bone...

ouch, yeah

(but any tattoo worth the pain is worth the pain, aight)

New Scientist told me about something called Dark Energy which sounded so cool that I didn't read any further so I wouldn't ruin the idea in my head

It actually retains its coolness when explained, imo, but instinctively you probably already know what it is anyway.

mmmmm, dark matter


Blogger Mishuki said...


>My dog is making really weird sounds.

What does it play?

>I have had a headache for 2 weeks but I'll only see a
>doctor when I get phantom smells.

That's putting the cart before the horse. I find I start seeing doctors.. *then* the phantom smells start.

>I'm considering postponing my novel until I read
>Chuck Palahniuks workshop essays.
>I'm also tempted to sign up to Will Christopher Baers

Don't forget to read every novel ever written, so you can be absolutely sure you're doing it right.

>By which I mean I contributed to his autobiography
>with a story about the future.


>My milk has gone off and instead of using a different
>bottle, I'm using the same one and drinking cheese-

If it doesn't make you horribly ill and put you off dairy products forever, it will make you stronger.

>Mishuki being the only remaining person to actually
>live in 419, he has become leader.

I am not the leader; we are an anarcho-collective.
Is that perfectly understood? Clap once for yes, and twice for no.

>I'm no comedian, but I could probably do like...

Whatever happened to your webcast? A couple of movies (good as they are) doesn't cut it. I want a proper Hamish show!

>Other times, I wish we just looked a like.

You look better than Christian Bale. I don't really like him. Ah, he's okay I guess.

>Collin Murray looks like that dude... What the hell is
>his name? His was in The Pianist and stuff. Adrian

Have you seen the one with that guy who was in that movie that was out last year?

>I'm wondering how much it will hurt to get my planned
>tattoo after someone explained the pain of having a
>tattoo over your bone.

If it doesn't scar you for life, it will make you stronger.

>New Scientist told me about something called Dark
>Energy which sounded so cool that I didn't read any
>further so I wouldn't ruin the idea in my head.

What Audrey said.

>Talking of Andy Serkis, despite the coomplete trash
>content, Chris Nolan's The Prestige is the coolest film
>this year.

I read a review that said it was no good. But it wasn't a very good review. You know what I mean. I will watch anything with Scarlett Johanssen in it. I would watch a movie of her reading the phone book for four hours. Maybe even five. Christopher Nolan is good too.

> But yeah, they're in the bible. Christianty - 1.

I don't have time to read this now but I'm intrigued. Surely that gives Christianity *extra* points, coz they're no longer denying the existence of dinosaurs or claiming God put dinosaur fossils in the earth just to fuck with us.

>I covered that song ny Bjork that goes "all is full of
>That was the working title for my novel until I changed
>it to Patterns.

They're both good titles, even if they have been used before.

Everything has been used before.

>I'm going to eat like, 2 packets of crisps.

What flavour? Actually doesn't matter. They will make you fat. Watch out! We can't have fat people on H419; our insurance doesn't cover them.



Blogger Hamish said...

Mishuki is like the claw. From Toy Story?


Blogger Steve Cronin said...

Crisps? Like Cheetos?

(Waiting for you to laugh at my Proud Republican American ass)


Blogger Mishuki said...

>also christian bale is good. he was batman and
>american psycho. his characters could fight each

You know what would be even better? Batman and Patrick Bateman kicking the shit out of Christian Bale's character in Empire of the Sun. I would pay good money to see that.

>Mishuki is like the claw. From Toy Story?

I haven't seen Toy Story. Actually, that's not true. But I was too stoned when I did to remember it.

Can I be like Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget? That would rawk.

>Crisps? Like Cheetos?

Crisps, like potato chips. The British win on this one because they have two different words (ie "crisps" and "chips") for what are, after all, two totally different types of artery-clogging potato-based snack. In Australia we just call them both "chips". It gets confusing sometimes.

>(Waiting for you to laugh at my Proud Republican
>American ass)

That's good; expect that


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