Friday, October 13, 2006


after learning how to create a hyperlink in my last post i have spent the last however long trying to think of something worth hyperlinking. i've searched the length and breadth of the internet and got nothing. help, can someone point me in the direction of something worthy of sharing and then be kind enough to let me think i did it all by myself?
i also need help today cos its my last day at my silly job and i decided drunkenly this morning that i would not do anywork at all, i've run out of things that make me look busy and the booze is wearing off and all hell is breaking loose.

Posted by Anonymous at exactly 3:49 pm



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like apple pie


Blogger ~ said...


Blogger teigan said...

Thanks for bringing back the wifi card

sorry i was too hungover to get out of bed and give you coffee


Blogger Chris Titan said...

Hyperlink Whores is what you might need. You pimp them out and when someone "pays" her she brings daddy home his cut.

Why else would you bother to make a hyperlink...?

Yes is just spam...but really good spam...


Blogger Hamish said...

I recommend the hive mind of If they ever run out of URLs then somethings up, you know?


Blogger Hamish said...

Chris, it's pronounced "scam" not "spam".

But indeed a very good scam.


Blogger Steve Cronin said...

"In other news I finally started teaching! I got my own lecture hour on fridays at 2:30pm, so if anyone from the Hartford area wants to check it out, go to Dana-BC Building room 419. I get to wear a suit and everything."

- Adren

Oh come on... I haad to.

Now that's scam.


Blogger Mishuki said...

The 419 is the giveaway.


Blogger Hamish said...

Yeah, no one associates themselves with that number unless they're part of something... y'know, sinister and evil.

Which we all are.


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