I am the only one here. (Duh-dun)
Everyone else either didn't come in at all today, or has evacuated.
The temptation to paint the walls purple and green in their absence is strong, but, I think I will resist at this stage.
Not feeling incredibly articulate at this stage in the day. Sleep dep is the current theme, induced by a a drunken fun weekend with friends out of town. Couldn't be assed to go into the gory details (not that they're that rivetting). One quote that is worth sharing is: There
is an 'I' in "we will fucking kick your ass."
I've got some mildly amusing (well, approximately one and a half) soundless vids to share, but, be warned, they may not eventuate, as I have yet to get permission from the star-studded cast.
God, it's weird when it's quiet here. Usually there's at least one person (aka grumpy but endearing old man) having a conversation with a broker along the lines of...
Oh, it's
you Bobby.
I'm great, even more so now that I'm talking to you.
I'm such a good liar.
I could be a broker.
Speaking of conversations (one-sided or otherwise), there will be vocal action happening from this side of the screen soonish, once some minor techinical difficulties have been overcome.*
(49 seconds 'til raid..)
Time's up. Best dash and steal someone's well earned resources in multi-player virtual game land.
Then I can go home after a successful work day of blogging and raiding.
*Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair