Sunday, April 16, 2006

Jack Says

You can swallow two pints of blood before you get sick.

Or so I'm finding out the hard way. And oh my, it is the hard way.

Imagine the scene in the bathroom sink. Looks like a normal sink except there's something slightly amiss. Instead of it being more or less clean, it's completely covered in blood and burning mix or toothpaste and saliva. I'd say five parts blood to one part toothpaste and saliva mix, if you wanted the ratio.

So yeah, I don't really get it. It seemed that I brushed my teeth with a brick. Can you imagine that? Rubbing a brick vigerously over your gums? If you imagine well enough you can taste the blood and feel the numb and persistant ache.

So I've given up the coffee and a lot of other tooth decaying pleasures. I'm making sure I get 4 pints of water, 5 pieces of fruit and all the other things. I had the whole '5-a-day' thing down anyway because fruit is just so handy.

Oh yeah and I decided that if it wasn't the coffee then it was the constant alcohol abuse.


Posted by H419 at exactly 4:52 am



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