Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Am A Control Freak

I said so, and Ben agreed. Therefore, it must be true.

Actually nothing is true, and everything is permitted.

I think I read that somewhere. And, you know, I believe it.

I can see this becoming, like, just a private message system of no interest to anyone but the three of us. And I say that in order to subvert the possibility, not confirm it. He said, realizing as he did so that he was seeking to exert control.

*struggles like rat in recursive trap*

*gives up*

*feels better*

All is chaos. It's not a bad thing; it's just destabilizing and strange. For me, anyway. Being, by force of habit, a bit of a control freak and all.

Chaos is the rich nourishing fertilizer of change. So I'm all for it.

I'm not a control freak. I just play one in real life. Sometimes.

And other random pithy epithets.

See, it's not difficult to sound wise. Just make arbitrary statements like "pants are a state of mind" which play on the concept of relativity in some way. The easily led will interpret this as a sign that you are deep, and enlightened, and stuff.

The truly wise, of course, have no need to advertise.

The plumber is here right now, fixing a leaky tap in the laundry, and telling us that our other leakage problem (the roof) is insoluable. Get a new roof, he says. Would it not be easier just to eliminate rain?

Speaking of anarchy - which, y'know, I was - I wanna go see V for Vendetta. I've not read any reviews and my expectation was that it would be crap but Simon and Bob both give it the thumbs up, which is a promising sign.

I haven't been to the movies in ages. Not since, like, December. Been too busy plumbing the depths of my tortured psyche and avoiding my email backlog, and stuff.

It's a shame I forgot about that yesterday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Movies are cheaper on Tuesday.

We should get a cat. We should get a shelf for the videos and DVDs so they won't get wet the next time it rains. We need a new landline phone, and a VCR - and some kind of adapter solution so we don't have to replug everything when switching between the set top box and the DVD player (and the VCR, when we get one).

I've been saying these things for ages. But no matter how often I say them, for some strange reason, they don't just magically happen by themselves. It's peculiar.

Also, I don't know what to do about the living room rug. I washed it a second time, in the bathtub. Disinfectant was liberally employed, etc. But it still smells like the assorted waste products of a certain deceased canine. Get it professionally cleaned? Buy a new rug? Just fucking deal with it? Who knows?

Ah, it'll all come good.


Posted by H419 at exactly 10:35 am



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